Action on Sewage

So here it comes at last. With the rising tide of critical coverage, it was inevitable that the water companies would look for some kind of response, to dig themselves out of the deep hole in which they have been wallowing. Here goes, then, a ten billion pound plan to sort sewage spills - stand back, and wait for the applause.

There is, of course, a catch. We’ll be paying for it. I mean, that’s where the money comes from, right? When they pay out massive dividends to shareholders and CEOs, they’re doing it wih he cash we gave hem for letting us have their precious water. so if we wan o see hings get better, we’ll have to pay for it.

The missing piece of this shit-covered jigsaw is regulation. Time was when government recognised that it had some responsibility for he state of our seas and rivers. But now we have Therese Coffey, who has worked really hard to make sure that we are no longer part of an EU drive o cleanse waterways by 2027. No, we’ll take back control, and do our wn thing, and get the water sorted out 2060. What does she make of the ten billion pound plan, and the way that will be funded? Don’t hold your breath.