Poems for Ukraine

During March and April I’ve been busy - writing poems about Ukraine. There is a lot there to write about, and it’s gradually grown into my sort of project - twelve different categories, each with a manilla file in my filing cabinet, so that the growing piles of Guardian cuttings (yes - actual paper! actual scissors!) can each find a home. It doesn’t alter the horrendous natures of the situation, but it’s certainly helped me to cope with it, marking out bits of territory to tackle, one at a time, rather than being swamped by the overpowering gloom.

And then, by a happy accident, I get offered a (last minute - replacing performer who’s ill) substantial slot at a local poetry reading in Ironbridge. Too good to miss. With the co-operation of my excellent local printing firm, I accelerate the printing of my pamphlet (most pomes, I find, end up snugly fitted into a 36-page A5 booklet) and I am good to go.

Judging by response, reaction and sales, I am not alone. One lovely man came up to say “I feel you’ve been looking right in here” (tapping his head). This is a horrendous time, but being together, sharing how it seems and feels, can actually help us to cope. Part of my research has involved listening to the BBC podcast Ukrainecast. It’s certainly not perfect, and there are days when it drives me mad, but no question, it’s created an international community of listeners who are positive and concerned, and wiser for being members of this group. (If you’re interested, there are further details about the poetry booklet on the BOOKS section of this website).