Keir Starmer

Predictably, there’s mutterings from the far edges of Corbynland that Keir Starmer isn’t being sufficiently hysterical, but I’d say he’s playing a blinder. He suggested the government needed an exit strategy, at a time they were adamant than even talking about it would collapse the whole project. They’ve now got an exit strategy (no, it’s not great, but it is better than nothing). He suggested they should scrap the surcharge on foreign workers in the NHS. No, no, said Johnson - we need the money. and then promptly scrapped it. He’s managing to prod at weaknesses, and secure changes in policy, which actually improve the situation. No wonder Johnson calls him “slippery”. That’s Boris-speak for “intelligent”, and it’s a fitting tribute to somebody who’s actually demonstrating the value of conviction, consistency and intellectual effort. I look forward to seeing a lot more of this.