Yentob wall to wall

A little quiz for telly-watchers. Who’d be the best person to interview (a) the German artist Anselm Kiefer? (b) the English film director Mike Leigh? (c) the Irish writer Colm Toibin? The answer, apparently, is Alan Yentob. Yes, that’s Alan Yentob, every time. That’s who we get on our screens, every time we want to sample any culture. (These three examples are all from the last three weeks) Maybe there are people out there who are crazy about him, but for those of us who aren’t it’s a bit mystifying. and when we see the heavy-handed jokes – Yentob cycling around Kiefer’s yard, Yentob knocking on Mike Leigh’s door and being told to go away – it’s very hard to resist the suspicion that the person who decides we need to keep seeing Yentob all the time is…Yentob himself. Please tell me it’s not true.